Regular logins, confirmations, or electronic signatures in accordance with 21 CFR Part 11 take up a lot of time and can become a security risk. Electronic or biometric authentication solutions, employing an RFID card or Nymi Band for example, allow more efficient and secure working. User authentication then takes a matter of seconds, reduces the risk of incorrect entries, and saves a significant amount of time.
The CONNECT BOX acts as an interface for authentication and can be flexibly positioned. All the solutions conform to IP65 and have been developed specially for cleanroom applications.
- For ergonomic mounting on the HMI system
- For placing or mounting on benches or shelves
- For installation in the wall with or without stainless steel frame
- RFID reader for side mounting on the TABLET with Surface Pro 8

Nymi is a leading company for biometric security.
The authentication solution provides data integrity and security that enable the highly regulated industry to ensure compliance and productivity.
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Our team will be happy to advise you on finding the perfect solution without obligation. Do not hesitate to contact us.
Tel.: +49 721 66351 0
Your personal data in the e-mail sent to us will be processed electronically only in order to respond to your request. Please also read our data privacy statement.